Graphic Design


Digital Prints

Workshops and Projects

Tapestry Design and Weave

Graphic Design


Digital Prints

Workshops and Projects

Tapestry Design and Weave

Starting Out

“Having discovered tapestry weaving at college, I could not let it go.”

My (traditional) ideas about what an artist was - a painter - were completely thrown at college and when I found that I could not make the brushes and paint do what was in my head, I was persuaded that any talent I may have for expression through art, lay in a different direction.

Loom weaving was fascinating - I loved the rhythm of it, the repeated patterns. I still love those patterns - in music too! Tapestry weaving, however, was a revelation. I instantly loved it . . . I couldn’t get to grips with it at first and had a lot of difficulty controlling the tension . . . but you could do anything with this medium, anything!

And so I persevered and, over what turned out to be a long period of time, came to terms with the patience required to produce an even tension and a good selvedge.

Now it is not so much patience that is required as time. The time spent on weaving is therapeutic, yogic - there is just not enough of it.

Work statements about some of the the more recent stages of my tapestry weaving work. If anyone would like more information on any aspoect of my work, please contact me.